Monday, July 12, 2010

goodbye to a good one...

a really amazing girl I know is leaving LA. She's been here two years,
built a solid reputation in the industry and is off to Austin. Her
story is not uncommon; she had her heart broken by a boy and feels its
time to move on...move home really, back to Texas where she can "be
closer to her family" who live in Houston a mere 2.5 hours away. She
plans on picking out a cute new one bedroom for no more than $700/mo
because that's standard, and getting a freelance job in the industry
just like she did here. Her tone is optimistic and light. She reflects
on the good times had in LA and is hopeful of new adventures before
her. Yet she does have a sad quality in her voice when she says "this
place is crazy though ya know, I feel like the last two years have
been a blur", And I understand what she means. As she said it feels
like you never get any traction in LA, like your always moving and
rather frantic and the highs are really high and the lows are rather
unbearable. Its a funny place this Los Angeles. Full of dreamers and
wish makers; hope and despair share equal sides of the coin. I feel
the city itself is anthropomorphic, a living breathing organism with
character traits and mood swings and everyone has a personal
relationship to it. I wish my friend well, knowing that going back to
her roots will suit her well. It will be safe and yet independent and
all together a good fit for her 6 foot blond varsity volleyball frame.
I can't help thinking I've lost another good one to the holes of LA,
that people come and slip through and don't stick around; but that's
the nature of an animal, its ever changing. So here is to good people
and good times, happy trails and new adventures. May we all be so
lucky to have good friends to say farewell to on our journeys to new
places~ adios Regan Beam.....

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