Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why is it that when you have nothing to do you do nothing? I have so much time on my hands and yet i do nothing with it. I mean in the sense that I don't produce anything. If your bored it's because your boring. I feel like if I have a month off of work I should be writing the next great american novel, or writing a script or directing a play, but no, I just sit around and read books and go to the gym and see friends. Shouldn't I be DOING something, MAKING something lasting, having something to SHOW for all this time I have to work with. Some people are slaves to their jobs and they would do anything to have the time to write or paint or dance and yet I have all this time and I don't do any of that. I travel and I journal and I read. I sleep, I volunteer, I discover, I do crafts...I feel retired. How am I retired at the age of 27. Shouldn't I be building a yatch to go sail around the world? arent I supposed to be building an empire? Here I have all this potential and absolutely zero motivation. I guess its the classic 20-something issue of not knowing what to do with my life. How angsty. How cliche. How boring. So here I sit, myself, so that I feel I'm at least writing something everyday. At least Im DOING that. its all blabber anyway. But I feel some people understand this dilema. This is why people have babies and families at this age, because they feel they have exhausted their own lives possibilities and its time to focus on a new challenge....a family. And thats what then takes up all their time for the next couple decades. Im not ready for that, and yet I'm bored with myself. Great. So now I'll go read some more, get ready to go meet up with a friend, then go see a friend's play; to watch her be creative, to watch her be a part of something, to watch her do what I shoudl be doing. oh the irony.

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