Sunday, May 16, 2010

GLEE LIVE! the first night of the tour....

Glee. Ohhhhh Glee. If you haven't heard of or seen the show Glee, you're living under a rock....underwater....on Mars. It seems that Glee is bigger than Miley Cyrus and Justin Beiber combined. And this audience isn't tweens. These are very well dressed, in their late thirties to early forties, a lot of them are gay and all of them LOVE Glee. They were glued to their seats, they didn't even leave to pee or get a beer. They jumped, they cheered, they sasheed their way home. Never in a million years did I think I'd see men and women in their eighties tonight, but there they were, a bunch of them. And whoa what a white crowd. Maybe that's just Phoenix, but there was noooo color in that audience. So what did I learn? I learned that my 150 people could buy over 5,000 dollars worth of merch in half an hour. And I learned that Corey Moneith, the guy who plays Finn, the football player, is a total sweetheart and a sucker for attention and hauled his co-star, Amber, the black chick, up to my party for a little pop in. Totally caught us by surprise and then there was chaos! We dealt with it like the pros we are...but...come on guys....its time to stop pretending you can casually mingle with the sold out an entire tour in an hour.

So they came, they signed things, and I had to push them out of there so I could finish my party...aka...hand out tickets. All in all, I would give the show a A+. The pipes on these kids! Its freakin amazing! Its one thing to see the TV show. On the TV show they are brilliant, but you know that they are recording the songs in studios with engineers and lip syncing over them on the show. Here it's live....and their THAT GOOD. Amazing. Broadway. Fantastic. I got chills so many times I lost count. Lea Michele is one of a kind.

Of course everyone from the production team was sweating bullets because supposedly all their heads are on the chopping block if anything goes wrong. Fox has so much money invested in this thing that tensions are riding high high hiiiiiigh. Lets hope they all walk away...richer than they already are???? and don't be surprised if "Glee the Movie" is in the works. This is television. Fox. they are gonna milk this for all its worth. And you would too if you were an executive watching this show tonight, everyone was standing and jumping and having a ball. Its like...a whole new side of karaoke. cuz lets not forget...thats what this show is. They even play Sweet Caroline, which I think ranks as the most sung karaoke song ever. Pretty cliche and a nice gab of sarcasm from the creators of the show.

So there you have it. Glee Live! Its a phenomenon. And its a beautiful show, both visually and musically. Everyone obviously has but so much work into this. And the production team they have is first rate...i mean....the lighting designer alone could be in the rock and roll hall of fame for the amount of big name bands he's worked for. But man were they nervous about Glee. ohhhhh the irony.

that's it folks, that's all I got.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Why is it that when you have nothing to do you do nothing? I have so much time on my hands and yet i do nothing with it. I mean in the sense that I don't produce anything. If your bored it's because your boring. I feel like if I have a month off of work I should be writing the next great american novel, or writing a script or directing a play, but no, I just sit around and read books and go to the gym and see friends. Shouldn't I be DOING something, MAKING something lasting, having something to SHOW for all this time I have to work with. Some people are slaves to their jobs and they would do anything to have the time to write or paint or dance and yet I have all this time and I don't do any of that. I travel and I journal and I read. I sleep, I volunteer, I discover, I do crafts...I feel retired. How am I retired at the age of 27. Shouldn't I be building a yatch to go sail around the world? arent I supposed to be building an empire? Here I have all this potential and absolutely zero motivation. I guess its the classic 20-something issue of not knowing what to do with my life. How angsty. How cliche. How boring. So here I sit, myself, so that I feel I'm at least writing something everyday. At least Im DOING that. its all blabber anyway. But I feel some people understand this dilema. This is why people have babies and families at this age, because they feel they have exhausted their own lives possibilities and its time to focus on a new challenge....a family. And thats what then takes up all their time for the next couple decades. Im not ready for that, and yet I'm bored with myself. Great. So now I'll go read some more, get ready to go meet up with a friend, then go see a friend's play; to watch her be creative, to watch her be a part of something, to watch her do what I shoudl be doing. oh the irony.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

we have the right to refuse service

why is it that we give so much energy to ex boyfriends? Aren't they x's for a reason? Didn't we X them out of our lives? of our phones? of our email chains? of our circle of friends? So then why do they continually pop up and create a seething cauldron of emotion that sucks the life out of you? is it possible to dismember that part of your heart that for some reason will always have a parking spot that says "reserved for ____". And they can valet their shit in your heart space whenever they feel the need.
And unfortunately its not totally their fault, because YOU LET THEM BACK IN TO FUCK WITH YOUR HEAD AND HEART. it's a choice. to get emotional. its a choice, to let them affect you. Oh what I've give to be like a Buddha on a mountain and let the energy wash over you, unaffected and unwavering. What I would give for that control, that non-attachment, that distance. Nothing affecting you emotionally but just pausing and seeing emotions as they pass by you and through you.
Today I say goodbye to the x that continually batters my soul, knocking on my door expecting me to open for a chat and a quick bicker. Its not healthy, this back and forth, so today I say, the lot is full, no space for you, reserved sign pulled, go park your troubles in another woman's heart, this one's off duty.